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  • Writer's pictureLisa Russell

Chateau de Mores in North Dakota

It’s been a crazy couple days. We’ve gone about 1000 miles! That’s a lot of car time. A special thank you to Manic Pixie Dream Ghouls, Cryptonaut, and And That’s Why We Drink podcasts for keeping us educated and entertained on the way! Yesterday morning we left Forsyth, MT and headed east into North Dakota. Our first stop was at the Chateau de Mores in Medora, ND. In 1883 a French aristocrat and entrepreneur chose this area to create a new kind of cattle operation. He founded the town and named it after his wife Medora. The two of them and their children resided there during cattle slaughter season for the following 3 years. In 1886 a terrible drought caused his operation to shut down and they returned to Europe. He returned to the house twice more after that once in 1887 and 1889. Medora came one more time in 1903 and stayed for 6 weeks. That was after her husband had been killed in a politically fueled assignation in 1896 in North Africa. From 1903-1921 the chat was left in the hands of caretakers. By 1921 it was obvious they had no intention of returning to the property and the eldest son gave permission to the caretakers to run the property as a boarding house. The house fell into some disrepair at this point And some theft occurred. In 1936 the Property was sold to the state for $1. The stipulation of the sale Was that the place be opened to the public. It was restored and opened as a museum. It’s said to be haunted by a female entity. Reports of lights coming on when no one is in the room, cold spots, and visions of a female shadow figure have happened. It’s getting late, and I have to Get some sleep, so I’ll leave this entry with that for now, and hopefully tomorrow I’ll find time to write about Fargo, and our Friday the 13th adventures.

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